张兴:Hooked: A strategic analysis of addictive product design



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主讲人:张兴 韩国成均馆大学商学研究院 助理教授

主持人:沈强 教授

主   题Hooked: A strategic analysis of addictive product design



Many digital products, e.g., video games, exhibit a feature of addictiveness: the more consumers have consumed the product in the past, the harder for them to refrain from consuming now. The firm has incentives to increase addictiveness to increase the consumption of the products, and meanwhile, it has to address consumers' concerns about over-consumption due to self-control problems and addiction. Using a game-theoretic approach, we model a firm's product design decision involving the product's addictiveness, defined as a dis-utility experienced by consumers if they refrain from consuming. We find the optimal price and profits first increase and then decrease with the addictiveness. The optimal addictiveness decreases with the severity of the self-control problems and increases with the harmfulness due to over-consumption. Interestingly, consumer and social welfare can increase with addictiveness. The extended analysis provides three additional insights: first, when the harmfulness from over-consumption is large, a lengthier product (vs. a shorter product) that potentially gives rise to over-consumption problems can actually improve consumer welfare. Second, comparing three commonly observed contracts, namely, pay-per-use, fixed-fee, and freemium contract, we find that when the harmfulness is small, the freemium contract yields the highest profits. Last, in the presence of competition, the increase in one firm's addictiveness can increase the competitor's profits, and competition does not mitigate the addictiveness.



      张兴,博士毕业于新加坡国立大学,现为韩国成均馆大学商学研究院(SKK GSB)助理教授。研究方向为行为决策理论在市场营销中的应用。近年来相关研究发表在《Management Science、《Journal of Marketing Research、《PNAS等世界顶级学术杂志上。研究成果被泰晤士报、每日邮报、参考消息、人民网等海内外多家媒体报道。在成均馆大学(韩国 MBA 项目排名第一)教授MBA营销管理和客户分析课程,获得2021年度 “杰出教学奖
